This just reeks of incompetence and lack of imagination. Instead of making it work with the guys and girls that helped get you there, instead of following in the footsteps of other progressive, distributed workforces, it’s the new Optimal-Teamwork-in-SF way or the highway. Instead of sharing the champagne, it’s “Hey, here’s a cold glass of water in your face.” We may look and sound like the fun guys of the internet, but we’ve got money now. Even if the main goal was to purge the existing Reddit workforce, the way they’ve gone about it is stomach curdling.

I'm a big fan of remote workers (all our programmers at Zimco are remote) and I think there is a huge benefit to having remote workers. For example, last week I went into the office and was interrupted by people at least once every half hour. I feel bad that Reddit feels that it needs to have all of it's workers under one roof and hopefully this won't backfire on them.