When you're developing websites it's very easy to create a small subset of data so you can test but there are some performance issues and bugs that will only rear their ugly head when you have a large amount of data. It's very difficult to create this test data and have unique values set. You could just fill your database with random letters and numbers (substr(sha1(gmdate('U'))), 0, 10) but it's better to have nice looking data if you need to demo changes.

The Faker library provides a way to generate fake but real looking data for your test environment.


Installation is done via composer:

./composer.phar require fzaninotto/Faker

Basic Usage

// require the Faker autoloader

// initialize the library
$faker = Faker\Factory::create();

// output a full name
echo $faker->name, PHP_EOL;

// just first name
echo $faker->firstName, PHP_EOL;
// just last name
echo $faker->lastName, PHP_EOL;


$ php test.php 
Herta Abernathy

The cool thing is that because it's random data we can run the script over and over again and get different results:

$ php test.php 
Miss Karlee Shanahan
$ php test.php 
Mr. Guiseppe Fay Jr.

We can also seed the random number generator so we get the same results every time.

// initialize the library
$faker = Faker\Factory::create();
$faker->seed(1000);  // this number picked randomly


$ php test.php 
Prof. Brian Monahan
$ php test.php 
Prof. Brian Monahan

A full list of the fields you can use can be found in the formatters section of the Faker documentation. Some of the ones I use often are:

$faker->text; // returns a large number amount of text
$faker->sentence; // returns a sentence or two


The real power of this library comes when you need to fill your database with data:

for ($i = 0; $i< 10000; $i++) {
    $faker->seed($i); // this causes the same results even if you add additional fields/related objects
    $user = new User();

I usually create a command line script or a model that creates this fake data so it's easily added to a newly created devel machine.