Midwest PHP 2018 Header

Adam gave an overview of Cryptography and how to use some of it in PHP.

Main Take Aways

I should be using password_needs_rehash(). To be honest with you this was one of those sessions where I realized I made a mistake part way through it because I already knew most of the information. I did realize that I misunderstood when password_needs_rehash() should be used (it should be used on every login to see if the password needs to be rehashed).

Things Iā€™m Going to Do

Fix my usage of password_needs_rehash().

My Raw Notes

Cryptography: the practice and study of techniques for secure communications in the presence of third party adversaries

  • Secrets are the keys to cryptography
  • Used to convert plaintext to ciphertext (encrypted text)
  • public key vs private key data
  • All PHP developers should use password extension!!!
    • password_hash ā€” Creates a password hash
    • password_needs_rehash ā€” Checks if the given hash matches the given options
    • password_verify - Verifies that a password matches a hash
  • libsodium should be used in PHP 7