Midwest PHP 2018 Header Beau went over why Symfony Flex exists and what it’s good for. He also went over some basic steps and how to get started with a basic application.

Main Take Aways

I originally tried to use Symfony Flex just after it came out and I ran into problems with a package I was using so I stopped. My hope is to retry it and see if I can get further.

The command below shows you tree and ignores the var and vendor directories. tree -I 'var|vendor' my-new-project

Things I’m Going to Do

Create a new application with Symfony Flex.

My Raw Notes

  • Symfony flex is not a new version
    • It’s a new way to install and manage symfony applications
  • Two options before Silex (small) or Symfony (large)
  • What does it do
    • Symfony Flex is a composer plugin
    • automates common tasks
  • Hard to install a Symonfy bundle even harder to uninstall
  • Symfony Flex leverages conventions and features from Symfony 4 to make it super easy
  • Symfony Flex + Symfony fit inbetween Silex and full Symfony 4 application
  • Flex promotes composition over inheritance (like current editions do)
  • Flex uses Recipes and Packs
  • Flex combines pieces to the recipes into one file automatically
  • Recipes allow for the Symfony team to do curation
  • Official recipes are endorsed by Symfony Core Team.
  • Contrib recipes - Not endorsed by Symfony Core
  • Packs
    • Are a group of recipes
    • Hides group of items behind the pack’s name in the composer.json
  • Not as easy to use Contrib recipes/packs
    • composer config command I counln't get fast enough
  • maker bundle - utils to create placeholder files
    • ./bin/console make:controller HomeController
  • Flex complains if missing dependencies so it’s easier to fix them