
Secure Shell (SSH) Connections Without Passwords

When we’re connecting to remote servers it’s important to make sure our connection is secure but it can be annoying to have to type in our passwords over and over again. Thankfully we have a whole suite of tools that will help us access a remote terminal and move files securely.

In this article, we’ll discuss how to connect to our Unix-based servers using a Secure Shell connection without passwords.

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Working With Soft Deletes in Laravel 8 and 9 (By Example)

The annoying thing about deleting data from a database is that it’s gone forever. We can’t even look at the data to see if we needed it because it’s gone. If we need the data back, our only solution will be to restore a backup and hope we have the backup just before it was deleted so the loss is minimized.

Thankfully, Laravel provides a built-in feature that allows us to flag database rows as deleted without actually deleting them from the database. This article/video discusses how to use Soft Deletes in Laravel.

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Superfans Update: January 2022 Edition

Checkout out January 2022 Superfans Update on our YouTube Channel using the link above or using the embedded video below.

What Are Feature Toggles/Feature Flags (PHP Example)

One of the hardest parts about shipping code is working on a large feature while other developers are working on the same portions of the code. There are two ways that we can do this.

The first is that we can create a branch in our revision control software and develop the whole feature in the branch over several weeks or months. Every day we’ll want to merge in the changes that others are making so we have our code up to date. The annoying part of this process is that we’re going to get stuck merging in other developers’ changes because they’re unaware of how our changes are affecting the same code. These long-lived branches tend to be hard to merge back into the main branch and are a headache for all involved.

The second method is to develop small changes that take no longer than a day or so to create and are constantly being merged into the main branch. It makes our job much easier. The downside to this is that we then have to hide the new feature from our users until it’s ready to be deployed.

In this article we’ll explain how to use feature toggles to do just that.

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Saving Vagrant States Using Snapshots

Vagrant makes it easy to go from zero to working in a very short time. We can feel free to completely wreck our setup because we can reset it back to a working state. The flip side to this is that while it’s easy to reset our VMs it might be a challenge or time-consuming to recreate our data inside the VMs.

What if there was an easy way to take a snapshot of our current VMs drive state so we could quickly get back to it?

In this article we’ll talk about how to use Vagrant’s snapshot feature to do just this.

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Link Post and Podcast Roundup: December 2021 Edition

December’s links.

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Enumerations(Enums) in PHP 8.1

PHP 8.1 added a bunch of new features and Enumerations are by far our favorite new feature. In this article, we’ll do a brief overview of why you should be excited too.

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New Features in PHP 8.1

PHP 8.1 is going to be released on November 25th, 2021 and we wanted to highlight the features we’re most excited about. This article doesn’t cover all of the new features but it does highlight the one we think will make the biggest improvement in our day-to-day development.

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Link Post and Podcast Roundup: September 2021 Edition

September’s links.

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Working With Passwords In PHP 8

In our previous article, we discussed how we should hash and salt our user’s passwords to make them harder to crack if our database becomes compromised. In this article, we’re going to discuss how to use PHP’s built-in functions to do this.

As someone who has maintained this kind of logic in other systems, I’m so glad it was added to the core.

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Top Posts

  1. Working With Soft Deletes in Laravel (By Example)
  2. Fixing CMake was unable to find a build program corresponding to "Unix Makefiles"
  3. Upgrading to Laravel 8.x
  4. Get The Count of the Number of Users in an AD Group
  5. Multiple Vagrant VMs in One Vagrantfile
  6. Fixing the "this is larger than GitHub's recommended maximum file size of 50.00 MB" error
  7. Changing the Directory Vagrant Stores the VMs In
  8. Accepting Android SDK Licenses From The OSX Command Line
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